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Live@5 Panel with Glen Ladau

Will Netanyahu's 'Razor-Thin' Coalition Last?

7 May 2023

Prime Minister Netanyahu succeeded in forming a 61-member coalition just before his midnight deadline. Can he govern with such a slim majority in the Knesset?

The United Kingdom goes to national elections today. Who is the better candidate for Israel? Is it the incumbent David Cameron of the Conservative Party or Labor Party leader Ed Miliband, who happens to be Jewish?

An alternative kosher-food certification organization has been established to challenge the monopoly of the rabbinate. Would our panelists be willing to trust, and therefore eat, in a restaurant supervised by a new and independent body?

Israeli-born Oscar-winner Natalie Portman says she is very upset that Prime Minister Netanyahu is once again Israel's leader. Should we care what she, or other celebrities who don't live in Israel, say about our electoral decisions?

The IDF is following up on claims that Hamas is digging terror tunnels under a kibbutz near Israel's border with Gaza. Why isn't this issue front page news, and why hasn't the Hamas tunnel infrastructure been destroyed?

Host: Josh Hasten
Panel: Daniel Seaman, Daniela Traub, Mottle Wolfe, Raoul Wootliff

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