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The Josh Hasten Show

Unkosher Movements, Kosher Moves

7 May 2023

Demonization of Israel, the new Israeli government and new Israeli regulations for restaurants are food for thought on today's Josh Hasten Show.
Hasbara expert Barry Shaw's recently released book, "Fighting Hamas, BDS, and Anti-Semitism," details Palestinian delegitimization and demonization of Jews and Israel. Shaw talks to Josh about the means and methods of contemporary hatred the Jewish state.

Then, VOI political correspondent Raoul Wootliff explains how Prime Minister Netanyahu successfully put together a coalition less than two hours before deadline. He says the winner seems to be Naftali Bennett's Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party, which scored three ministerial positions. Wootliff also discusses today's elections in the United Kingdom, which so far are seeing incumbent David Cameron's Conservative Party neck-and-neck with Ed Miliband's Labor. But which candidate is better for Israel?

Finally, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, spokesperson for Jerusalem's "Yerushalmim" Party, discusses yesterday's bombshell decision by the Attorney-General, which grants restaurants in Israel the right to declare themselves to be under kosher supervision, even if they are not licensed by the official rabbinate. Hassan-Nahoum thinks this decision has the ability to break the rabbinate's monopoly in other realms affecting religion and state.




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