Why Not Let the Terrorist Starve? (12:17)
Basketball Victory Brings Joy to Jerusalem (12:06)
How Cyber Terror and Terror Funding Work (25:19)
NE Patriots Star Julian Edelman Meets Israeli Footballers (6:17)
What Would Gay Rights Look Like in a ‘State of Palestine’? (1:54)
Yishai Reads Your Mail (25:16)
‘Face-Six’ Security Solutions Can Save Lives (11:08)
Armageddon: Are Biblical Stories Coming to Life? (2:07)
Innovation Nation with Simcha Gluck
Inside Israel Today with Gil Hoffman
Israel Inspired with Ari Abramowitz & Jeremy Gimpel
Jerusalem Diaries with Judy Lash Balint
Live@5 Panel with Glen Ladau
National Security with Dan Diker
Newsroom VOI
One Nation with Dov Lipman
Rejuvenation with Eve Harow
The Big Falafel with Molly Livingstone
The Josh Hasten Show
The Lion’s Den with Daniel Seaman & Daniela Traub
The Mottle Wolfe Show
The Yishai Fleisher Show
full show
part 1
OurCrowd’s Singular Successes (37:06)
part 2
Going Beyond ‘Win-Win’ Situations (12:25)
part 1
Noam Lemelshtrich Latar: The Man Behind ‘No Camels’ (25:20)
part 2
Blue Stream Partners: Matching Investors with Israeli Medical Technology (12:30)
part 3
‘What Game Are You Playing?’ (10:56)
part 1
Marcelle Kaspi on Product Design, PICO and Entrepreneurship (25:20)
part 2
‘Make the World Your Paper’ with Phree (25:19)
part 1
Israeli Start-Up Guru Isaac Hassan on cultivating People, Ideas, Community and Opportunity (25:20)
part 2
Yuval Susskind on MyEasyDocs - Now You Can Send Official Docs Online (14:21)
part 3
‘The New Entrepreneurz’ author Simcha Gluck, on How to Turn Interns into ‘Internpreneurs’ (11:02)
full show
part 1
Adanim Bio Tea: Herbal Brews for Your Pleasure and Health (24:52)
part 2
GetYou: A New Personality Platform Made in Israel (25:32)
part 1
Basketball Victory Brings Joy to Jerusalem (12:06)
part 1
JPost Editor: Haaretz + New York Times for Israel News = Dangerous (10:45)
full show
part 1
The Charleston Massacre and Streams of US Jewish Unity (12:57)
part 2
Emotional Times for Charleston’s Jews (11:29)
full show
part 1
Who Is Yaron Mazuz? (12:34)
full show
part 1
The UNHRC Report and the ICC (12:01)
part 2
Expert: ‘The Gaza Blockade Is Legal’ (6:14)
full show
part 1
Armageddon: Are Biblical Stories Coming to Life? (2:07)
part 1
Does the Land of Israel Have Its Own Personality? (4:24)
part 1
How Should Israel Respond to the Age-Old ‘Land for Peace’ Formula? (12:52)
part 1
Why This Lone Soldier Was Commended by the President (25:20)
part 1
Judaism and Caring for All Living Creatures (25:16)
full show
full show
part 1
Meet the Artisans of Jerusalem’s Old City (13:32)
full show
Jun 22, 2023
part 1
Why Not Let the Terrorist Starve? (12:17)
part 2
Was the Flotilla Build-Up Much Ado About Nothing? (10:26)
part 3
Is Gay Marriage in Israel’s Future? (13:21)
part 4
Natural Gas: Are Israeli Citizens Getting a Fair Deal? (10:04)
part 1
What Is the Goal of the Gaza-Bound Flotilla? (12:49)
part 1
Enabling the Syrian Blood Bath (1:24)
part 2
Farid Ghadry’s Formula for Syria (2:25)
part 3
The Plight and Fight of Syria’s Kurds (4:47)
part 1
Why the Palestinian Public Predominantly Rejects BDS (4:50)
part 2
Why Palestinians Are Ignoring a PA Prohibition on Working in Israel (3:09)
full show
part 1
Have the Turkish People Deposed an Islamist Dictator? (7:34)
part 2
Why the Palestinian Public Opposes BDS (4:33)
part 3
Alan Dershowitz: A Future Palestinian State Must Allow for Israeli Control over the Jordan Valley (2:35)
part 1
Expert Says China Cautious on Mid-East Involvement (5:55)
part 2
BDS is Strangling Palestinians, Says Arab Affairs Expert (2:56)
part 1
How Gaza Residents Really See Israel (3:21)
part 2
Why Jibril Rajoub Petitioned FIFA to Remove Israel (1:24)
part 3
Bassem Eid: ‘Oslo is the Real Palestinian Nakba’ (4:56)
part 1
The Vatican and the ‘State of Palestine’ (6:08)
part 1
Two Terror Attacks in Three Days (4:37)
part 2
Michael Oren’s ‘Undiplomatic’ Debacle (5:22)
part 1
An Israeli Cyber Firm Reports a Massive Attack Against Israel (6:48)
part 1
Does Hamas Have the Wherewithal to Control Gaza Fringe Groups? (9:22)
part 1
Following FIFA ‘Victory,’ Israel Prepares for an Olympic Battle (9:41)
part 2
Is the Jewel in the Crown Crumbling? (10:35)
part 1
Jews and Arabs, Ultra-Orthodox, American Football and the Weekly Torah Portion (51:03)
part 2
How to Fight Fundamentalist Islam (5:18)
part 3
Best Friends for the Blind (19:31)
part 4
UK Ambassador Gould Bids Farewell (11:21)
part 5
The South African Connection (13:36)
part 6
Seeking Societal Harmony (13:05)
part 7
An Ultra-Orthodox Work in Progess (11:34)
part 8
A Touchdown for American Football in Israel (16:10)
part 9
What We Can Learn from the Weekly Torah Portion (8:11)
part 1
Soldiering on in the Face of Adversity (50:33)
part 2
Criticizing the UN Report on Gaza (7:10)
part 3
Dave Sharma on Australia-Israel Relations (15:00)
part 4
Innovation: Africa’s ‘Electrifying’ Efforts (12:57)
part 5
Baseball, Israeli-Style (12:00)
part 6
Why Miriam Moshkovski Left New York and Joined the IDF (12:04)
part 7
Should the Israeli Government Take Action on Behalf of the Syrian Druze? (12:08)
part 8
Talking About Child Terror Victim Ayala Shapira (17:47)
part 9
Why Moses Was Not Allowed to Enter the Land of Israel (7:31)
part 1
Conflict and Conflict Resolution (50:57)
part 2
Dov’s Viewpoint (10:57)
part 3
MK Tamar Zandberg: ‘Why the Left is Right’ (13:36)
part 4
Helping Aging and Lonely Holocaust Survivors (12:15)
part 5
Sar-El: Enabling Foreigners to Volunteer for the IDF (12:09)
part 6
Passport Legalities and the Larger Issue (13:53)
part 7
A Father’s Court Fight for His Son’s Birthplace (11:20)
part 8
Music and Multiculturalism in South Tel Aviv (15:10)
part 9
Leaders of Tomorrow — and in the Torah (9:28)
part 1
A US State Representative Combats BDS and Two American Olim Who Are Contributing to Israeli Society (50:40)
part 2
Strategies to Fight BDS and to Promote Aliyah (8:33)
part 3
Knesset Member Fights for Women’s Equality in Israel (16:31)
part 4
Fuel for Truth Activates New York Professionals to Fight for Israel (12:44)
part 5
How UK Jewish Students are Fighting to Combat BDS (12:23)
part 6
South Carolina Supports Israel (12:27)
part 7
Lone Soldier from the US and His Unit Honored by President (12:28)
part 8
It’s a Mitzvah! Saving Lives Through Organ Donations (13:37)
part 9
The Challenges of Settling the Land of Israel (11:06)
part 1
Partnerships, Unity and a Torah Portion (50:51)
part 2
The Shavuot Holiday and Hot-Button Issues (10:29)
part 3
MK Michael Oren’s Zionist Journey (15:05)
part 4
United Hatzalah: When Every Second Counts (12:36)
part 5
A South African MP on Relations with Israel (14:36)
part 6
Easing Strain on Campus — Through a Different Strain of Judaism (10:58)
part 7
Bridging Gaps by Commemorating Naftali, Gilad and Eyal (19:32)
part 8
What Can We Learn from Parshat Beha’alotcha? (5:58)
full show
part 1
Arab Radicalism on Israeli Campuses and the Opus Sectile Tiles of Herodian (50:41)
part 2
A Jew’s Life in Japan (24:53)
part 3
‘Who Will Write Our History?’ (25:11)
part 4
Do Arab Students Get Preferential Treatment on Israeli Campuses? (25:15)
part 5
Meet an Unlikely Expert on Herodian Mosaic Floors (25:15)
part 1
Should Israel Allow Christian Missionizing? (50:41)
part 2
Ramadan Rights, Humility and Honor (12:55)
part 3
Experience the World of Mishnaic Judaism in the Galilee (25:15)
part 1
Turning ‘Limitations’ into Rewarding Experiences (51:02)
part 2
What Is the ‘Sin of the Spies’? (12:24)
part 3
The Philosophy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (37:36)
part 4
Channeling ADHD in a Positive Direction (25:36)
part 5
Koshertreks: Why Keeping Shabbat Is Not an Obstacle to Climbing Kilimanjaro (25:41)
part 1
Connecting to Israel Through History, Innovation and Art (50:41)
part 2
MK Aida Sliman of the Arab Unity Faction Heads Knesset Committee for Women and Gender Equality (25:34)
part 3
Dr. Matania Ginosar: From Underground Fighter to Climate Change Expert (1:05:38)
part 4
ESpace10, Jerusalem’s Newest Art Gallery (11:07)
part 1
A Documentary about the Israel Air Force, and the Documentation of Palestinian Media Watch (50:53)
part 2
Thoughts on a Changing Jewish World Within a Larger Non-Jewish One (25:34)
part 3
Women in the Water: An Annual Swimfest at the Kinneret for a Good Cause (25:34)
part 4
‘Above and Beyond': A Film About the Pilots who Jump-Started the Israel Air Force (25:34)
part 5
Palestinian Media Watch’s Itamar Marcus on PA Incitement and Its Foreign Funding (25:34)
part 1
Children of the Start-Up Nation Channel Fear into Creative Apps (2:45)
part 1
Meet the Goldberg Peace Prize Laureates (13:09)
full show
part 1
VOI Exclusive: An Interview with Jay Leno (2:46)
part 2
Bonna Devora Haberman: In Blessed Memory (12:26)
part 1
‘Ask an Israeli, Ask a Palestinian’ (9:07)
part 1
3 Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe from Sexual Assault (1:51)
part 1
Media Failures: The Flotilla, a Skewed Headline and the New York Times (11:52)
part 2
‘Face-Six’ Security Solutions Can Save Lives (11:08)
part 3
NE Patriots Star Julian Edelman Meets Israeli Footballers (6:17)
part 1
Rabbi Mottle Wolfe’s Glimpse into the ‘Old Country’ (11:42)
part 2
Druse MK Ayoub Kara on Tensions in the North (12:52)
part 3
A Preview of the Israeli Basketball Finals (10:27)
part 1
Is the Supreme Court Pandering to ‘Peace Now’? (8:07)
part 1
Coming Together Against the UNHRC Report (9:44)
part 2
Abby Dishi’s ‘Business Plan for the Soul’ (11:33)
full show
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Athlete ‘Ambassadors’ (5:13)
part 2
Hostile Headlines (13:51)
part 3
Rocks and Firebombs in Jerusalem (9:44)
part 1
Are France and Britain Betraying Israel? (12:46)
part 2
What in the World Does Freedom Flotilla III Have to Do with Freedom? (11:56)
part 3
Advocating for Israel in Style (12:59)
part 4
Immigrating to Israel by Choice and Having a Soft Landing (12:26)
part 1
The Woman Whose Campaign Sparked an Israeli Culture War (12:07)
part 2
Is Demography Altering Israel’s Cultural Makeup? (6:25)
part 3
Israeli Fox Shines on Fox’s ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ (13:24)
part 4
How Israeli Fighters Volunteer to Make the World a Better Place (11:57)
part 5
Dr. Joy Browne’s Advice for Israelis (13:24)
part 1
Cutting Public Funding for a Play Glorifying an Arab Terrorist (12:12)
part 2
An African’s View of Israel and Zionism (12:59)
part 3
Reclaiming the Zionist Ethos Through Agriculture (11:25)
part 4
Who Are You, Bassem Eid? (12:07)
part 1
The Burning Failure of BDS Hatred of Israel (13:04)
part 2
Helping Immigrants find Professional Success in Israel (12:22)
part 3
Burning Man, Israel Version (25:19)
part 4
Music Inspired by Jerusalem and the Prophet Isaiah (6:04)
part 1
IDF Reserves: An Accepted National Duty or a Disruptive Nuisance? (11:22)
part 2
Fighting EU-Funded ‘Land Theft’ in Israel (14:08)
part 3
Judiciary vs. Legislature: What’s the Fight About? (12:52)
part 4
Why Is Proselytizing Offensive to Israelis? (12:45)
part 1
Mottle Wolfe Weighs in on SCOTUS (13:05)
part 2
What Would Gay Rights Look Like in a ‘State of Palestine’? (1:54)
part 1
How Does a Chabad Girl Become an Orthodox Rabbi? (14:35)
part 1
Mamanet Player: ‘I Feel Like a Teenager Again’ (2:19)
part 1
Yishai Reads Your Mail (25:16)
part 2
How Cyber Terror and Terror Funding Work (25:19)
part 1
Art Enjoys Freedom of Expression, But Should It Cost the Government? (25:19)
part 2
Can a Red Cow Combat the Energy of Death? (25:19)
part 1
A Jewish-Communist-Environmentalist Arab Party MK (25:16)
part 2
Want to Know What Arabs Think? Read Their Tweets (25:19)
part 1
Gaza Redux and Deligitimization (25:19)
part 2
The ‘Benefits’ of Celebrating Ramadan in Jerusalem (12:07)
part 1
Nadia Matar on Sovereignty (25:19)
part 2
Malkah Fleisher: Normalcy in Jerusalem in Spite of Jihad? (16:06)
part 3
3 Priestly Blessings; 3 Goals of the State of Israel (8:35)
VIDEO Jay Leno’s Serious Appreciation for Israel
Jay Leno’s Serious Appreciation for Israel
Comedic giant and TV superstar Jay Leno, on his second trip to Israel to MC the prestigious Genesis Award ceremony, makes VOI's Molly Livingstone laugh. Seriously.
VIDEO Hollywood in the Holy City
Hollywood in the Holy City
What do Natalie Portman and Richard Gere have in common? Both have recently filmed in Jerusalem. Yes, with the help of the Jerusalem Film and TV Fund, the entertainment industry is finding a new home in modern Jerusalem and booming here. VOI's Molly Livingstone is joined in-studio by its director, Yoram Honig, to hear about the latest screen magic occurring in the heart of the holy city; collaborations with some of the biggest film companies; future opportunities; and the plan to build the largest sound stage in the Middle East in Jerusalem by 2020, adding a whole new dimension to the city as we know it.
VIDEO Exclusive Interview with Former Defense Minister Moshe Arens
Exclusive Interview with Former Defense Minister Moshe Arens
VOI's Mordechai Twersky is joined in-studio by Moshe Arens, who says Israel's war last summer with Hamas was "a failure." The former Israeli Defense Minister and ambassador to the US also says Israel has "the capability of doing whatever it's going to take" against a nuclear Iran. In this special edition of Newsroom VOI, Dan Diker and Raoul Wootliff join in the discussion, asking about BDS and the Hezbollah missile threat.
VIDEO Live@5 Panel: How Can Israel Continue To Prosper Given All The Pressure Placed On It?
Live@5 Panel: How Can Israel Continue To Prosper Given All The Pressure Placed On It?
A recent Rand Corporation report concluded a peace agreement based on the "two-state solution" would provide a significant economic benefit for both Israel and the Palestinians. Is the "promise" of financial gain enough to bring the parties to the negotiating table? Is the report accurate? What does history tell us? In recent weeks, the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement has come to the fore in Israel. Has the movement been successful? Is Israel's defense in the face of BDS just giving more credibility to the movement? Is Britain's Lord Rabbi Dr.Jonathan Sacks correct in his assessment that Israel has become a divisive factor in the Jewish world? Why must Israel bring in thousands of foreign construction workers from China and other countries? Given the level of unemployment in sectors of the Palestinian community, why can't they fill the void? Is China's demand that their workers not be employed in "West Bank Jewish Settlements" caused by the worldwide pressure being exerted on Israel? Given all the pressures placed on their country, how is it possible that Israel ranked the 5th "Happiest Country" in the OECD? Host: Glen Ladau Panel: Mottle Wolfe, Daniel Seaman, Dan Diker and Judy Lash Balint
VIDEO Living the Innovation Nation
Living the Innovation Nation
MK Erel Margelit, founder of Jerusalem Venture Partners, speaks to VOI's Dan Diker about the significance of Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy's visit to Israel.
VIDEO Can Israel Continue to Prosper in Spite of All the Pressure?
Can Israel Continue to Prosper in Spite of All the Pressure?
A recent Rand Corporation report concluded a peace agreement based on the "two-state solution" would provide a significant economic benefit for both Israel and the Palestinians. Is the "promise" of financial gain enough to bring the parties to the negotiating table? Is the report accurate? What does history tell us?
VIDEO Sweat, Tears and Tenacity: A Behind-the-Scenes Interview with VOI Co-Founder Glen Ladau
Sweat, Tears and Tenacity: A Behind-the-Scenes Interview with VOI Co-Founder Glen Ladau
Co-Founder and Middle East Division CEO of Voice of Israel Glen Ladau, the host of Live@5, joins VOI's Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel in-studio for a behind-the-scenes interview. He recounts the story of how VOI was born, after years of sweat, tears and tenacity, and presents his vision for its future.
VIDEO VOI Unplugged: Burning Passion and Burning Man
VOI Unplugged: Burning Passion and Burning Man
American musician Ely Jaffe who attended Midburn, Israel's version of Burning Man, joins VOI’s Daniel Seaman in studio to share his music from the desert event.
Amb. Stuart Eizenstat Analyzes the State of the Jewish People (25:11)
Amb. Stuart Eizenstat Analyzes the State of the Jewish People (25:11)
VOI's Judy Lash Balint and Gil Hoffman are joined in-studio by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, co-chair of the Jewish People Policy Institute.
Yishai Reads Your Mail (25:16)
Yishai Reads Your Mail (25:16)
VOI's Yishai Fleisher reads and responds to e-mails from listeners.
Natural Gas and Other VOI News in Review (25:11)
Natural Gas and Other VOI News in Review (25:11)
Newsroom VOI reviews the latest developments in the government's efforts to pass a deal on producing Israel's natural gas.
A Touchdown for American Football in Israel (16:10)
A Touchdown for American Football in Israel (16:10)
Steve Leibowitz, founder and head of American Football in Israel, joins VOI's Dov Lipman.
The Plight and Fight of Syria’s Kurds (4:47)
The Plight and Fight of Syria’s Kurds (4:47)
What can be done to aid the imperiled Kurds caught in the terrorist crossfire of the Assad regime and opposition rebels?
Farid Ghadry’s Formula for Syria (2:25)
Farid Ghadry’s Formula for Syria (2:25)
The president of the Washington-based Reform Party of Syria blasts the policies of the West.
Will Freedom Flotilla III Break the Gaza Blockade? (50:37)
Will Freedom Flotilla III Break the Gaza Blockade? (50:37)
The Live@5 Panel discusses Flotilla III, negotiating with terrorists, Michael Oren's op-ed and former Obama advisers warning against the nuclear deal.
Mottle Wolfe Weighs in on SCOTUS (13:05)
Mottle Wolfe Weighs in on SCOTUS (13:05)
VOI's Mottle lists six reasons why he supports last week's US Supreme Court decision on gay marriage.
Un-Orthodox Views of the SCOTUS Decision (25:11)
Un-Orthodox Views of the SCOTUS Decision (25:11)
VOI's Mottle Wolfe weighs in on Friday's historic SCOTUS decision about gay marriage, and hears from a gay rights advocate with an original take on it.
Meet an Unlikely Expert on Herodian Mosaic Floors (25:15)
Meet an Unlikely Expert on Herodian Mosaic Floors (25:15)
Frankie Snyder, an expert on the opus sectile mosaic floors of the Herodian palace, joins VOI's Eve Harow.
An Ultra-Orthodox Work in Progess (11:34)
An Ultra-Orthodox Work in Progess (11:34)
Udi Tzemach, a founder of Avodot LaChareidim, an agency that helps the ultra-Orthodox in Israel enter the workforce, joins VOI's Dov Lipman.
Seeking Societal Harmony (13:05)
Seeking Societal Harmony (13:05)
Evan Muney, director of the Citizens' Accord Forum between Jews and Arabs in Israel, joins VOI's Dov Lipman.
Amb. Stuart Eizenstat Analyzes the State of the Jewish People (25:11)
Amb. Stuart Eizenstat Analyzes the State of the Jewish People (25:11)
VOI's Judy Lash Balint and Gil Hoffman are joined in-studio by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, co-chair of the Jewish People Policy Institute.
Why Not Let the Terrorist Starve? (12:17)
Why Not Let the Terrorist Starve? (12:17)
The Live@5 Panel debates the deal made with a hunger-striking terrorist.
Are France and Britain Betraying Israel? (12:46)
Are France and Britain Betraying Israel? (12:46)
VOI's Daniel Seaman and Daniela Traub discuss the ramifications of what they consider Israeli 'appeasement,'
On Western ‘Betrayal’ and Israeli Counteraction (50:38)
On Western ‘Betrayal’ and Israeli Counteraction (50:38)
VOI's Daniel Seaman and Daniela Traub discuss Israeli 'appeasement,' then host two organizations promoting the positive side of Israel.
The Vatican and the ‘State of Palestine’ (6:08)
The Vatican and the ‘State of Palestine’ (6:08)
Newsroom VOI takes a look at the recent Vatican treaty recognizing the 'State of Palestine.'
Natural Gas and Other VOI News in Review (25:11)
Natural Gas and Other VOI News in Review (25:11)
Newsroom VOI reviews the latest developments in the government's efforts to pass a deal on producing Israel's natural gas.
Armageddon: Are Biblical Stories Coming to Life? (2:07)
Armageddon: Are Biblical Stories Coming to Life? (2:07)
Rabbi Ken Spiro, author of 'Crash Course in Jewish History' and 'World Perfect,' joins VOI's Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel.
World History and the Jews (50:38)
World History and the Jews (50:38)
VOI's Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel are joined by historian and philosopher Rabbi Ken Spiro.
Going Beyond ‘Win-Win’ Situations (12:25)
Going Beyond ‘Win-Win’ Situations (12:25)
VOI's Simcha Gluck is joined byco-author Ronen Gafni ("The New Entrepreneurz").
OurCrowd and Power Thinking (50:15)
OurCrowd and Power Thinking (50:15)
VOI's Simcha Gluck is joined in-studio by founder and CEO of OurCrowd Jon Medved.
Can a Red Cow Combat the Energy of Death? (25:19)
Can a Red Cow Combat the Energy of Death? (25:19)
Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Yishai for another segment of 'Spiritual Cafe.'
Armageddon: Are Biblical Stories Coming to Life? (2:07)
Armageddon: Are Biblical Stories Coming to Life? (2:07)
Rabbi Ken Spiro, author of 'Crash Course in Jewish History' and 'World Perfect,' joins VOI's Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel.
World History and the Jews (50:38)
World History and the Jews (50:38)
VOI's Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel are joined by historian and philosopher Rabbi Ken Spiro.
Meet an Unlikely Expert on Herodian Mosaic Floors (25:15)
Meet an Unlikely Expert on Herodian Mosaic Floors (25:15)
Frankie Snyder, an expert on the opus sectile mosaic floors of the Herodian palace, joins VOI's Eve Harow.
Voices Emerging from Destruction (50:41)
Voices Emerging from Destruction (50:41)
After giving her take on various issues, VOI's Eve Harow is joined by colleague Mottle Wolfe.
Seeking Societal Harmony (13:05)
Seeking Societal Harmony (13:05)
Evan Muney, director of the Citizens' Accord Forum between Jews and Arabs in Israel, joins VOI's Dov Lipman.
Going Beyond ‘Win-Win’ Situations (12:25)
Going Beyond ‘Win-Win’ Situations (12:25)
VOI's Simcha Gluck is joined byco-author Ronen Gafni ("The New Entrepreneurz").
Live Now: