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Newsroom VOI

Netanyahu Courting the Conference of Presidents, and Other VOI News in Review

22 February 2023

This week, the annual Conference of Presidents of Major American-Jewish Organizations was held at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem.

Newsroom VOI reviews the conference with audio clips from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin and Zionist Union party head Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog assessing the US-Israel relationship. We also hear from Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein about the internal politics going on inside and among American-Jewish organizations, as a result of the brouhaha surrounding Netanyahu's upcoming speech before the US Congress.

Then, after a nine-year legal battle, the last structures of the Migron outpost were removed this week, following a Supreme Court ruling that the land is privately owned by Palestinian claimants. Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer and Migron resident Aviella Deitch offer opposing views on the issue.

In addition, the Supreme Court this week overturned a decision made by the Central Elections Committee to bar controversial candidates Baruch Marzel and MK Haneen Zoabi from running in the upcoming Knesset elections. VOI provides previous interviews with both candidates from our arc hive.

Finally, an interview with potential 2016 US presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee, who sat down with VOI's Dan Diker earlier in the week to discuss the importance of the US-Israel relationship.




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