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IDF No Longer Gearing for Rockets; Jerusalem Gearing for Snow

4 January 2023

For the first time since this summer's military operation in Gaza, Israeli Soldiers are leaving most of the communities bordering Gaza. Sharon Sheli, from the Movement for the Future of the Western Negev, speaks about how communities are coping with the troop pullout.

Snowstorms are forecast for the coming week, and this could be the fourth consecutive year for snow to hit Israel. Meteorologist Yaakov Cantor joins Newsroom in-studio. Plus, Jerusalem Municipality Spokeswoman Brachie Sprung details the capital city's preparations for winter weather.

With elections ten weeks away, parties are in the process of forming their candidate lists ahead of a January 30th deadline. The nation's ruling Likud party held primaries this past week. Newsroom spoke to Knesset Members at the polling stations. Bar Ilan University Professor Shmuel Sandler analyzes the primary results.

Then, Newsroom VOI reports from a New Year's gathering of Christian Leaders in Israel at the official President’s residence. Plus, a look at why President Reuven Rivlin was chosen as one of the ‘Heroes of the Year’ by Great Britain's Guardian newspaper.

Investment and economy expert Aaron Katzman details Israel’s economic growth in 2014, and makes stock market predictions for 2015.

2014 was a year of increased Jewish immigration to Israel. In a VOI Exclusive, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky discusses the influx.

World leaders react after the UN Security Council rejected a Palestinian statehood bill. The VOI News Department reports.

And finally, Josh Halickman provides an update on Israeli football/soccer and basketball.




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