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Israel Inspired with Ari Abramowitz & Jeremy Gimpel

Clash of Faiths - Radical Cleric Anjem Choudary vs. Orthodox Rabbis In Israel

19 January 2023

For the first time: Radical British Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary encounters Rabbis Ari Abramowitz & Jeremy Gimpel. Listen as the world views of the two faiths clash live on air. Stoning adulterous women and capital punishment for every homosexual around the world are only part of the Islamic vision for a world under global Sharia law. Does brutal religious coercion expose Islam as an insecure religion and unsure of itself? Are 70 virgins and hedonist pleasure really all that heaven has to offer? How will this clash between Islam and the West end? Then, VOI's Mottle Wolfe joins in to discuss what, if anything, Israel can do to contend with the global radical Muslim jihadi threat.

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