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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Joins World Leaders in Paris Anti-Terror Rally

11 January 2023

With 17 victims killed this week in Paris, including 4 Jews at a kosher supermarket before Shabbat, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joins world leaders today in Paris for a rally against terror in memory of those killed.

Then, Jewish Agency emissary to Paris, Orel Amsalem, describes the panic in the Jewish community following the attack and French immigrant Eliana Gurfinkle describes her feelings as family members and friends remain in France.

Plus, legendary Dry Bones satirical cartoonist Yaakov Kirshen comments after the murder of 10 of his French counterparts.

In politics, Newsroom catches up with the Likud party on the campaign trail, and gives a full election update.

Israeli’s braced for a huge storm this week, but many were disappointed with the lackluster snowfall in many parts of the country. Meteorologist Yaakov Cantor explains what happened.

Finally, 'Sweets to the Sweet,' Hamlet is touring this week in Israel. We hear from actors in the theater company about bringing Shakespeare to the Holy Land.




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