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Coalition Breakups and New Political Alliances

7 December 2022

​In this week's news round-up a look at the breakup of Israel's governing coalition and the move to call new elections. The two largest political parties Likud and Yesh Atid blame each other for the split. Deputy Defense Minister Tzachi Hanegbi (Likud) tells VOI's Raoul Wootliff that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to call early elections was courageous. Knesset Member Dov Lipman (Yesh Atid) counters by calling the move unnecessary and harmful to Israel.

With reports of a political alliance between Tzipi Livni's Hatnua party and the Labor party chaired by Isaac Herzog, Labor Knesset Member Nachman Shai tells VOI that his party is ready for elections and plans to replace the current government.

Responding to the potential left-wing alliance, Likud and the Jewish Home (Bayit Yehudi) parties signed a vote sharing agreement and agreed not to attack each other during the election campaign. Naftali Bennett told the Saban Forum that while he disagrees with some of Netanyahu's policies, he is committed to forming a strong national bloc with him.

New election rules mean that smaller parties may have to join together to avoid electoral wipe-out. VOI Arab Affairs correspondent Bassem Eid breaks down the options for Israel's three Arab parties in upcoming elections, and controversial Knesset Member Hanin Zoabi tells VOI that the Arab parties have broad a consensus on key issues and must unite together.

Then, French editor and columnist Michel Gurfinkeil speaks with VOI about the vote French Parliament took this week to recognize a Palestinian state. Amnesty International tells VOI why they have criticized Egypt's latest actions in Gaza.

Also, Investment and Israeli economy expert Aaron Katzman provides updates on the latest business and finance news from Israel and VOI's Eve Harrow speaks to investment guru Jon Medved about the Global Investor Summit taking place in Jerusalem this week.

Plus, Josh Halickman summarizes the week's sporting events and meteorologist Yaakov Cantor tells VOI about Israel's unseasonably warm weather just one week after one of the heaviest rainstorms in Israel's history.




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