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The Lion’s Den with Daniel Seaman & Daniela Traub

Redefining How to Present Israel: Sexy Settlers and Interactive YouTube Clips

25 January 2023

As the world is set to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day later this week, VOI's Daniel Seaman and Daniela Traub discuss the failure of the international community to prevent the mass murder of Christians by Muslim extremists in Nigeria. This in contrast to the example set by Egyptian President A-Sisi who has pledged to fight extremists and their abuse of the women of Egypt. Then, Jay Ruderman, whose life's effort is to push for the inclusion of people with disabilities as productive members of society, took on CNN's senior correspondent Jim Clancy for using the term 'cripple' to insult opponents on Twitter leading to Clancy's resignatioon from CNN. Also, StandWithUs members Tamir Oren and Tamir Gofshtein join VOI in studio to discuss their latest project that introduces the real Israel to the world in an inventive and fun interactive Youtube video. Finally, the women behind the 'Sexiest Settlers' List' on the IsraellyCool blog, Zehava Englard and Orit Arfa. They join VOI in studio with our very own sexy settler, Josh Hasten, to explain how this is actually a fun way to redefine the way the world and Israelis see the residents of Judea and Samaria.




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